Monday, August 2, 2010

Bring Out The Beauty Of Your Tuxedo!

There’s one sure way of bringing out the beauty of your formal tuxedo! Start by ordering the fabrics in shades that you like for a set of bespoke shirts with French cuffs. Select the fabric for your tuxedo at the same time. Your custom tailor has had some 30 years’ experience in tailoring in Hong Kong so he would know! Ask him for his guidance, especially for the style that’ll suit you for the tuxedo. Of course, you could select the style and the silhouette yourself since all the options are there in front of you. For the shirts, you can pick the collar you want and its dimensions as well.

You can pick the stitch and the pocket besides the body front and the body back styles. Pick the type of French cuffs too. Then select the gold cufflink from among gold dice, gold cross, gold turtle and gold ring. Wait for the hush!

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