Monday, July 18, 2011

You need only tailored clothes- for that perfect fit

You now have access to one of the best houses of tailoring, These tailors come from an established family of tailors from Hong Kong that has been in the men’s tailoring business for more than thirty years. When you order a custom shirt or a pair of slacks or a tuxedo these tailors go about their business in a different way from what is the normal practice. 

Your design for the formal tuxedo is cut afresh. There is no standard pattern followed as other tailors practice. So, all you need to do is to tell your tailor about your preferences in shirts or the tuxedo. For the French cuff dress shirt, you would need to tell your tailor the kind of French cuffs that you like. Similarly, for the tuxedo you must indicate your preference in the type of silhouette and styling. The result is a perfect fit each time.

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